The United Scientific Quality Policy & Mission Statement: “We, the people of United Scientific, proudly pronounce our personal and professional commitment to understand, meet and whenever possible, exceed our customer’s requirements through the continuous improvement of our manufacturing processes. We are dedicated to delivering defect-free product on-time and at the most competitive cost possible.”
Quality… the word has many meanings, concepts and assumptions. When the question is asked, “What is United Scientific known for the most?”
Out of all the possible elements of a successful manufacturing operation, Quality has become the #1 response. We are very proud of that.
We believe, what takes a “good manufacturing entity” into the realm of becoming a great one, goes beyond a shining ISO 9001 CertificationAudit (although we have achieved that and you can see it by clicking here).
Operations under the Quality First banner must include consistent, precise and on-going attention to the details…all the details.
Finding the best machinists around, acquiring new, up-to-date machine tools, providing internal and external ways for everyone to practice Continuous Improvement, honing noticeable communication and listening skills, running lean and green wherever possible, practicing stringent safety protocols, striving for zero defects with 100% on-time delivery rates and offering different ways to inventory and ship, just to name a few.
Of course, anything we do in terms of measuring and inspecting for precision is extremely important. Our new Zeiss CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) is a good example. We believe in “Engineered Inspection” which can only be achieved through the discipline of true Metrology. With a fully-stocked, dedicated inspection department operated by the experts who understand how to measure and have personally-adopted every element of our internal Quality Policy, all United Scientific customers can experience the feeling of contentment. Knowing your parts will be right, zero-defects, precise and pristine is a wonderful feeling. Since Quality is what we are known for, we are determined to keep it this way.
“When I think of United Scientific, I think of Quality. Quality in their people, in their dedication to satisfying customer needs and probably most of all, quality in the way they do business.”